Tuesday, October 31, 2006

caricatures!- again!!!




Marcelo Pt 2!

Jo n pal

Martin(w-out glasses)

Angel n G friend






Mark Behm said...

Amazing work! You push so far, but capture so much. I love it all. I'll be checking often.

chris chUa! said...

ha ha ha! awesome.

damn you and your insane talent!

Jeremy Townsend (JERT) said...

yaaaaaaay grigor, nice shit yet again

Brian said...

Wacko !
Dr. Seuss on acid

Marco Bucci said...

Amazing as usual, Grigor. I can't even believe how well 'Marcelo' was captured! It's just perfect! As for the digital vs. traditional stuff you mentioned...the only real thing digital has going over traditional (in my mind) is the sheer speed you can produce at, while keeping the same (or similar) working methods as natural media. I would definitely encourage you to at least try it out! You'd probably have quite a good time with it. As for me, I'm striving to be even half as good of a painter as you.

Jeff Pecina said...

hahaha dammitt these are good.
fuck man.

Henning Ahlers said...

great face-rollercoasters, grigor!

Eddie lee said...

great work man. i like the one on top the most. thats like nothing ive seen you do. were these done @ the ncn?
ed lee

Alexiev said...

Jajaja... fantastic...

I love work...

Saludos desde Buenos Aires...

omar said...

You are a great artist!

Chris Wahl said...

Crazy work, Grigor!

Always a pleasure stopping by your blog.

Alex said...

Nice caricatures! You should offer to do those online for, say...$49.95? I'd buy one ;)

Unknown said...

THese are crazy awesome!!

Eddie Fitzgerald said...

Woooow! What a treat! Hilarious stuff!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

more good drawlins! It was great to see you doing live work at the NCN convention. I'm not alone when I say that you deserved the golden nosey this year, but now it's just a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

GOD i love the colours you used in the Steve Spiderman Caricature. Gorgeous. I just love coming here, but sometimes I avoid it, cause living in a constant state of "ill never be this good" can be discouraging. hahahha. AWWW grigor, it was so nice hanging out at CON, you can bet I'll be harrassing you again next year.

Jorge Restrepo H. said...

As always your caricatures and paintings are awesome!!!!!!
Thanks again for to include my blog in your links .
I want draw you and I´d like to have a Grigor´s version from my face . If that´s possible send me some pictures of you to jrestrepho@yahoo.com
A greeting

Nelson Santos said...

Hey Grigor whats up man? Love the Turcios one you did what was his reaction?

Jeff Pecina said...
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Jeff Pecina said...

i loved the one with the dog
i laughed
then i cryed
then i died
then i died...

Eddie lee said...

dude that drawing of the dog i shilarious. who are these people your drawing?

Anonymous said...

You're really good. No really you are. You might have heard it before, but let this be the time you believe it. You've got the skillz to pay the bills. I wouldn't front on that.

Unknown said...

thanks everyone =) <3 <3 <3

Marco Bucci said...

Just saw the updates to this post! Absolutley love Marcelo pt. 2!

Anonymous said...

Hey Grigor! I was checking out Eddie Lee's blog and stumbled across yours. Do you remember me from the Academy? You are doing such fantastic work! I'll be checking back often, your drawings are amazing.

Anonymous said...

thats all you got!,
just messin, whats been up,
you still teachin? thanks for the comments, hope to see some more


Anonymous said...

My favourite part is the dog giving the thumbs up.

【#pan】 said...

Hahaha!very cool & very nice!
I love it all!

Anonymous said...

That sketch you did of Kevin.

Eddie lee said...

man your airbrushing is brilliant. by the way love the caricature of the kid and the stars. you boiled it down to the bare necessities.

Marlo said...


Anonymous said...

Crazy caricatures. Pushed to the limit. Inspiring stuff.

Anonymous said...

Really cool- you're really pushing the envelope. Great job.

Unknown said...

THese are GREAT!! WOW!

Anonymous said...

Superb distortion...you are a master of surreal-cubism-funny-weirdo!!


Anonymous said...

Will ya draw somethin? I need my fix.

Bobby Pontillas said...

SOOO amazing.

Unknown said...

wow, the new images are amazing...the girls teeth, his forehead. oh baby. so great. I'm laughing.

bog_art said...

This is one of more amazing blogs that I have seen before.. Thanks!! your art job help us to know that there is a lot more to learn..

Aaronphilby said...

We'll miss you at the convention, Gri

Nathan Lindsay said...

whoa, so cool. these are really over-the-top and great.

Ole Christian Løken said...

ah man!
Shit thats friggin awsome!
I can't belive you manage to bend and stretch thing so far.
Very skilled, and VERY brave.

This is just insane :D

Yet another person I might add to my link thing in my blog.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You push so far, but capture so much.
